Embattled Territory

S. Dupré, B. Demunck, W. Thomas, G. Vanpaemel (eds.), Embattled Territory. The Circulation of Knowledge in the Spanish Netherlands, Ghent, 2015.


The classical view of science in the Spanish Netherlands harbours implicit assumptions which need to be reconsidered in the light of contemporary historiography. Approaching the history of science from the perspective of the circulation of knowledge, this book indicates new paths of research furthering the integration of the history of science into wider, general history. To accomplish this aim the book raises three sets of questions. The first question concerns the role of cities in the production and transmission of knowledgde and skills in the Spanish Netherlands, with the Southern Netherlands being home to one of the densest urban networks in the world. In a second step, the book discusses how the Southern Netherlands were entangled with the rest of the globe through the Spanish Empire, and the Atlantic world in particular. How did these Iberian connections shape the circulation of knowledge in the Spanish Netherlands? Thirdly, did the definition and nature of knowledge change in the Spanish Netherlands and how was this related to processes of political and religious transformation. Focussing on urban knowledge, Iberian connections and the politics of knowledge, this book offers a new framework for the history of science in the Spanish Netherlands.

With contributions of Sven Dupré, Geert Vanpaemel, Raoul De Kerf, Bert De Munck, Annelies De Bie, Pieter Martens, Dirk Van de Vijver, Vincent Van Roy, Johan Verberckmoes, Werner Thomas, Florike Egmond, Piet Lombaerde, Arjan Van Dixhoorn, Ralph Dekoninck, Agnès Guiderdoni, Krista De Jonge, Maarten Delbeke, Christina Göttler, and Tine Meganck.

Link to publisher: http://www.academiapress.be/embattled-territory.html

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