Dra. Aurelie Van de Meulebroucke

Aurelie Van de Meulebroucke (°1993) studied early modern history at the University of Louvain. In 2015, she graduated with a dissertation on the reform attempts of Robert de Croÿ, a noble bishop of the diocese of Cambrai (ca. 1500-1556). Subsequently she analyzed the academic printing history of the condemnation of Martin Luther (1519-1521) as part of the ManaMa program of Medieval and Renaissance Studies (KU Leuven). Since October 2016, Aurelie prepares a doctoral thesis on the international context of and the intellectual networks behind the Luther condemnation under the supervision of prof. dr. Violet Soen and prof. dr. Wim François. Her research interests included religious history, history of early modern Catholicism, Reformation history, intellectual history, history of universities and the history of printing.

Recent publications:

A. Van de Meulebroucke, Robert de Croÿ: fidei defensor? Tussen laatmiddeleeuwse traditie en katholieke hervorming in het zestiende-eeuwse bisdom Kamerijk (1518-1556)’, in: Trajecta, 2017 (forthcoming).

V. Soen en A. Van de Meulebroucke, ‘Vanguard Tridentine Reform in the Habsburg Netherlands. The episcopacy of Robert de Croÿ, bishop of Cambrai (1519-1556)’, in: V. Soen, W. François (eds.), —.

A. Van de Meulebroucke, ‘Sur l’ombre de quelque bonne paix? De Blijde Intrede van Hertog-Bisschop Robrecht van Croÿ in het bisdom Kamerijk (1529)’, in Handelingen van de Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal- en Letterkunde en Geschiedenis, 2016 (forthcoming).

Contact details:

E-mail: aurelie.vandemeulebroucke@kuleuven.be

Adress: KU Leuven, Onderzoeksgroep Nieuwe Tijd, Blijde Inkomststraat 21 bus 3307, B-3000 Leuven.

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