Overview of publications

Our conceptual and methodological article

V. Soen, B. De Ridder, A. Soetaert, W. Thomas, J. Verberckmoes, S. Verreyken, How to do Transregional History: a Concept, Method and Tool for Early Modern Border Research, in: Journal of Early Modern History, 21 (2017). Link to article.

Avisos de Flandes

The Research Group Early Modern History directs under the supervision of Werner Thomas the series Avisos de Flandes at Leuven University Press. This series focuses on transregional and intercultural exchanges in the Habsburg Empire and beyond. http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/avisos-de-flandes

Habsburg Worlds

Professor Soen is general editor of the series Habsburg Worlds by Brepols Publishers. This series covers the vast conglomerates under the rule of Spanish and Austrian members of the Habsburg dynasty. The series focuses on the daily experiences, social networks, trade routes, religious motivations, legal traditions, intellectual currents and political cultures in these regions. It aims to foster an interdisciplinary and comparative approach necessary for studying the manifold languages, cultures, histories and traditions in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia once under Habsburg administration or overlordship.

Publications by the Research Team:

E. De Bom, R. Lesaffer and W.Thomas (eds.), Early Modern Sovereignties. Theory and Practice of a Burgeoning Concept in the Netherlands, Brill, forthcoming.

C. Goossens  en J. Verberckmoes, Broze levens, krachtige vrouwen: Zussen, moeders en tantes Goubau in de achttiende eeuw, Leuven, forthcoming.

W. Thomas, ‘The metamorphosis of the Spanish Inquisition, 1520-1648′, in: D. Prudlo (ed.), A Companion to Heresy Inquisitions, Brill, forthcoming.

W. Thomas, ‘Inquisition and repression of Protestantism in Spain’, in: M.Ortrud Hertrampf (ed.), The Reformation in Spain, Peter Lang, forthcoming.

W. Thomas, ‘Printing for the Empire: books from the Habsburg Netherlands in Spanish America, 1500-1700′, in: Quaerendo, forthcoming.


B. De Ridder, The institutionalization of Habsburg-Dutch border controls during the Eighty Years War, Philostrato. Revista de historia y arte, extraordinary nr. (2018), p. 55-76. Link to article.


V. Soen & A. Van de Meulebroucke, ‘Vanguard Tridentine Reform in the Habsburg Netherlands. The episcopacy of Robert de Croÿ, bishop of Cambrai (1519-56)’, in: V. Soen, D. Vanysacker and W. François (eds.), Church, Censorship and Reform in the early modern Habsburg Netherlands (Bibliothèque de la Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique 101), Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2017, 125-144. Link to article.

V. Soen, ‘The Council of Trent and the Preconditions of the Dutch Revolt (1563-1566)’, in W. François and V. Soen (eds.), The Council of Trent : Reform and Controversy in Europe and beyond (1540-1700), Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2017, vol. 2, 255-278. Link to article.

V. Soen & L. Hollevoet, ‘Le Borromée des anciens Pays-Bas? Maximilien de Berghes, (arch)évêque de Cambrai et l’application du Concile de Trente (1564-1567)’, Revue du Nord 99 (n° 419) (2017) 41-65. Link to article.


A Soetaert, Une Espèce de Déluge dans la Ville… Inondations Urbaines à Namur aux Temps Modernes, Namur, 2016. Link to Book

A. Soetaert, ‘Printing at the frontier. The emergence of a transregional book production in the Ecclesiastical Province of Cambrai (ca. 1560-1659)’, in: De Gulden Passer: Journal for book history, 94 (2016), 137-163. Link to article

B. De Ridder, ‘Early Modern Peace and International Society: Using Disciplinary Hybridity to Question the Pax Hispanica (1598-1618)’, in: The International History Review, published online (2016). Link to article

B. De Ridder,‘Benchmarking the Past: Politico-Legal Connotations of Tradition, Custom and Common Practice in the Diplomacy of the Eighty Years War’, in: Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies, published online (2016). Link to article

B. De Ridder, ‘Sustaining the Munster Peace: The Chambre Mi-Partie as an Experiment in Transnational Border Arbitration (1648-1675)’, in: Journal of Modern European History, 14.1 (2016), 35-53. Link to article

V. Soen, ‘Exile encounters and cross-border mobility in early modern borderlands: the Ecclesiastical Province of Cambrai as a transregional node (1559-1600)’, in: Belgeo : Revue Belge de Geographie / Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Geografie / Belgische Zeitschrift für Geographie = Belgian Journal of Geography, 2015, 2 (2016), 2-13. Link to article

V. Soen, ‘La nobleza y la frontera entre los Países Bajos y Francia: las casas nobiliarias Croÿ, Lalaing y Berlaymont en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI’, in: M. Merluzzi and G. Sabatini, Fronteras. Representaciónes, integraciónes y conflictos entre Europa y America, s. XVI-XX, Rome (2016).


V. Soen, ‘The Chièvres Legacy, the Croÿ Family and Litigation in Paris. Dynastic Identities between the Low Countries and France (1519-1559)’, in: L. Geevers and M. Marini (eds.), Dynastic Identity in Early Modern Europe: Rulers, Aristocrats and the Formation of Identities (Politics and Culture in Europe, 1650-1750), Ashgate, Farnham, 2015, 87-102. Link to article

V. Soen, A. Soetaert, and J. Verberckmoes, ‘Verborgen meertaligheid. De katholieke drukpers in de kerkprovincie Kamerijk (1560-1600)’, in: Queeste: tijdschrift voor middeleeuwse letterkunde in de Nederlanden, 22:1 (2015), 62-81.

A. Soetaert, ‘Translating and distributing Italian religious literature in the ecclesiastical province of Cambrai (1563-1659)’, in: Incontri: Rivista Europea di Studi Italiani, 22:2 (2015), 29-40. Link to article

S. Dupré, B. Demunck, W. Thomas, G. Vanpaemel (eds.), Embattled Territory. The Circulation of Knowledge in the Spanish Netherlands, Ghent, 2015.

W. Thomas and J. Verberckmoes, ‘The Southern Netherlands as a Centre of Global Knowledge Concerning the Iberian Empires in the Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries’, in  S. Dupré, B. Demunck, W. Thomas, G. Vanpaemel (eds.), Embattled Territory. The Circulation of Knowledge in the Spanish Netherlands, Ghent, 2015, 161-197.


B. De Ridder, ‘Rusland, de Krim en het hernieuwde belang van territoriale claims’, in: Internationale Spectator: Tijdschrift voor Internationale Politiek, 68:10 (2014), 37-41.

B. De Ridder and V. Soen, ‘The Act of Cession, the 1598 and 1600 States-Generals in Brussels and the peace negotiations during the Dutch Revolt’, in: R. Lesaffer (ed.), The Twelve Years Truce (1609): Peace, Truce, War and Law in the Low Countries at the Turn of the 17th Century (Studies in the History of International Law, 5), Leiden, Boston: Brill/Nijhoff, 2014, 48-68.

B. De Ridder and T. Vermeersch, ‘Grensstudies in de Zwinstreek. De studie en ontsluiting van een historisch grensland’, in: Tijd-Schrift. Heemkunde en lokaal-erfgoedpraktijk in Vlaanderen, 4.1 (2014), 60-74.

V. Soen, Y. Junot en F. Mariage (eds.), L’identité au pluriel. Jeux et enjeux des appartenances autour des anciens Pays-Bas, XIVe-XVIIIe siècles / Identity and Identities. Belonging at stake in and around the Low Countries, 14th-18th centuries (Revue du Nord, Hors série, Collection Histoire 30), Villeneuve d’Ascq, 2014.

V. Soen and H. Cools, ‘L’aristocratie transrégionale et les frontières. Les processus d’identification politique dans les maisons de Luxembourg-Saint-Pol et de Croÿ (1470-1530)’, in: V. Soen, Y. Junot en F. Mariage (eds.), L’identité au pluriel. Jeux et enjeux des appartenances autour des anciens Pays-Bas, XIVe-XVIIIe siècles / Identity and Identities. Belonging at stake in and around the Low Countries, 14th-18th centuries (Revue du Nord, Hors série, Collection Histoire 30), Villeneuve d’Ascq, 2014, 209-228.

W. Thomas, ‘The Treaty of London, the Twelve Years Truce and Religious Toleration in Spain and the Netherlands (1598-1621), in: R. Lesaffer (ed.), The Twelve Years Truce (1609): Peace, Truce, War and Law in the Low Countries at the Turn of the 17th Century (Studies in the History of International Law, 5), Leiden, Boston: Brill/Nijhoff, 2014, 277-297.

J. Verberckmoes, ‘How Dutch Brasil Affects Your Emotions: The Antwerp Jesuit Cornelius Hazart On Early Colonial Brasil ‘, in: M. Van Groesen (ed.), The Legacy of Dutch Brasil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014, p.146-167.

S. Verreyken, ‘Tijd om te herbronnen. De impact van beeldvorming op de stedelijke groei van Spa in de zeventiende eeuw’, in: Stadsgeschiedenis 2 (2014), 113-129.


B. De Ridder, ‘Frans-Vlaanderen als grensland tussen het koninkrijk Frankrijk en het graafschap Vlaanderen’, Romaneske, 38 (2013), 2-9.

A. Soetaert, ‘“Pour servir de mémoire à la postérité.” Herinneringscultuur en overstromingen in het vroegmoderne Namen.’, in: Tijdschrift voor Waterstaatsgeschiedenis, 22 (2013), 45–56.

A. Soetaert and B. Vannieuwenhuyze, ‘Middeleeuws Namen aan Samber en/of Maas. Beeldvorming en vooringenomenheid in stadstopografisch onderzoek’, in: Stadsgeschiedenis, 8 (2013), 1–18.

W. Thomas, ‘De Zwarte Legende voorbij. Spanje, de Zuidelijke Nederlanden en de eerste globalisering, 1500-1700′, in: Academiae Analecta. Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, 20 (2013), 3-20.


B. De Ridder, ‘De Akte van Afstand als pacificatiestrategie tijdens de Nederlandse Opstand (1597-1600)’, in: Handelingen van de Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal-, Letterkunde en Geschiedenis, 65 (2012), 209-221.

V. Soen, ‘La Causa Croÿ et les limites du mythe bourguignon: la frontière, le lignage et la mémoire (1465-1475)’ in: J.-M. Cauchies and P. Peporte (eds.), Mémoires conflictuelles et mythes concurrents dans les pays bourguignons (ca. 1380-1580) (Publications du Centre d’études bourguignonnes XIVe-XVIe s. 52), Neuchâtel, 2012, 81-97.


V. Soen, ‘Naturales del país o Espaignolizés? Agentes de la Corte como negociadores de paz durante la guerra de Flandes (1577-1595)’ in: R. Vermeir, M. Ebben and R. Fagel (eds.), Agentes y Identidades en movimiento. España y los Países Bajos, siglos XVI-XVIII, Madrid, 2011, 171-193.


J. Verberckmoes, ‘Parading hilarious exotics in the Spanish Netherlands’, in: Nederlands kunsthistorisch jaarboek, 53 (2003), 53-69.

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